Sunday, September 23, 2007

8.365 - Clean Slate

8.365 - Clean Slate
Originally uploaded by evilmightyacorn
Tomorrow I start with a personal trainer.
Tomorrow I begin my journey towards a new, healthier me.


Originally uploaded by evilmightyacorn
Poker Night!
Once a month there's a Texas Hold Em Tournament that rotates around to different houses. This weekend it was our turn to host.
I made it through the merging of tables, but didn't last too much past that point. No biggie.. I'm used to losing my money during these tourneys. I have yet to win.

Overall the night was good... I had a fun time, D got pretty lit and the kids of course loved the company. They played on the Wii with many of our friends. I haven't looked to see what my Mii's ratings are now in Wii sports... I'm sure it will be interesting...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Day 6 - Painting on a deadline

I've spent the past few days painting the inside of the house. Tomorrow is poker night and I wanted this place to be just about done so that people could enjoy the new color scheme instead of each room being 1/2 done.

I'm exhausted and I'm sick as hell... but the house is going to look gooooooooooooood.

I like shadows and high contrast... can you tell?

Friday, September 21, 2007

Day 5 - Will I be the Biggest Loser?

This so far has been the hardest to post.
I'd done another 365 but stopped for several months after day 89.
I've been fighting weight issues for many many years and on Monday I start sessions with a personal trainer.
I can't wait to start, and I needed a photo to reference as "before"
I've already managed to keep off 35 out of 40 pounds that I dropped a year and a half ago, but I can't live like this anymore. I want to run, jump, and play. I don't want to be out of breath so easily. And I wouldn't mind a hot bod.
The grimace on my face is because I knew I'd be posting this for all to see..... joy.

Day 4 - Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs!

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! it was talk like a pirate day!
I don't know what else I can say about this one...

Day 3 - walking with Pascal.

I met a new friend who I will be shooting photos of in the near future.
We went for a stroll along the Highland Bridge near my house in Denver.
This was an 8 second exposure and I'm on the left...

Day 2

Day 2
Originally uploaded by evilmightyacorn
I was tired of how orange my hair was looking... so I bleached it all out and then dyed it really freaking dark so that the orange wouldn't keep poking through. This was during the bleaching stage, and I spent all day pretty much just doing this.


Originally uploaded by evilmightyacorn
This was my Day 1 of the 365 Days project.
(1 self portrait per day... every day)
My DSLR was in the shop and I was forced to use my point and shoot camera.
On the plus side, I figured out just how far I've come in the past 2 years...

365 Days

I re-started 365 Days and meant to start posting the photos... but I was lazy. So here are the first 4 or 5 days and I promise to start posting the rest after....