Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Day 10 - yep it's strep

Originally uploaded by evilmightyacorn
everyone seen in this photo has strep throat.
I literally spent the entire day at Kaiser. My son missed school, so I took him in for his throat culture and popped over to my doc's floor to see if mine was back... nope not until 1pm... ok.... my son's doc did a rapid test...
Yes, it's strep....
so I left the exam room, went to the nurse's station, made an appointment for my youngest... picked up the oldest one's meds, went to school, pulled the youngest out of class, brought him to the doc's office... rapid test... yep it's strep.... go down to my doc's floor.... pull a nurse out... OMG YES YOU HAVE STREP GET YOUR ANTIBIOTICS NOOOOOWWW!!!

go downstairs, get everyone else's meds and get home around 3pm.

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