Saturday, October 18, 2008

Zombies attack

Zombies attack
Originally uploaded by evilmightyacorn
Zombies attacked in Denver, Colorado today.
3rd annual Zombie crawl!
You can view the entire set here... I'm still editing, but I should have them all up by around 1am

Thursday, October 16, 2008

knitting woes and blissful moments

so my fingerless mitts look a bit crazy in the ribbing, but I am finally beginning to get the hang of it. I'm feeling a lot better about knitting in the round between the mitts that I'm working on and the hat that I started. Tonight or tomorrow I am going to try and add a new color to the hat.
I'm nervous, but feel like it won't be too horrible

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Casting on!

So I am a new knitter. I have done several scarves, but never progressed out of the scarf zone.
Last night I went to a local "Stitch and Bitch" meetup and got some magnificent help from a group of awesome women who helped me get started on my first highly ambitious project!
Ok, you may not think that some fingerless mitts are ambitious, but seeing as I have completed only scarves.... this is truly terrifying.
I hit a bunch of snags right away (of course) but after some great guidance last night and some major rescues today, I think I am well on my way. I will post as this progresses.

I also finished another scarf today and have another scarf cast on. I bought TONS of yarn last year when I wanted to learn to knit, and it's been collecting dust in a wicker basket since then. I am trying to use up all of this yard (most of which I threw out the labels for and really had no plan of action as to what I would do with them)

I have since learned the following.

Always save my labels.
Don't buy yarn unless I have a project in mind.
One size needle most definitely does not fit all.
Not all needles are made alike.
Buy enough yarn to actually finish your project.

Wish me luck!